Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Guess we are really going

Well we leave on Saturday to look for a place to live.  Floor plans show that we will be living in smaller accommodations then we are use too but I guess that means less to clean!  Three days of cultural training set up and things are progressing.  I was hoping to put it off another month but it looks like that won't happen.  I will look forward to working a reduced work schedule but will need the extra time to get use to my new home.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Paper Work is Endless

I am pretty sure that we have a minimum of 20 plus documents to fill out.  Health forms, surveys, cultural training, tax forms, rental agreement, visas, etc....It takes some time to sort through all this and keep track of what needs to be done for a family of three.  Not only are you planning on this move but you are trying to take care of your house here and working 40 hours.  It is a long process and very stressful.  One month to go and I feel like we are not any closer to being ready.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Second Guessing

Once my husband excepted this assignment I have been second guessing ever since.  I have to give up all that I know and I know that sounds like a cope out.  Everyone says "congrats" or you are so lucky.  I was just starting to like where I live and now I have to start all over again.  Sure it is a great opportunity.  Sure it will be a good experience.  But aren't I allowed to question if this is the right thing?  I will miss my family and my dog and my friends.  Alright enough complaining for now.  Tomorrow is another day.