Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two and Half Weeks to go

Well it looks like May 27th is the date to leave.  I have stalled enough and now I have to face the music and get the move on.  Some things to keep in mind:  Getting internet takes about a month or longer and you can't get it until you move over there so prepare for it and bring a wireless card for your computer.  You can rent one from the Tokyo airport and mail it back later.  I got some excellent advise from TripAdvisor.com  Great site!  It also took some time to get the garbage situated.  It helps if you can have someone go over there before you arrive.  We also set up a slingbox so we could watch TV over there.  There is not much of a choice to get TV unless you want to watch Japanese only.  This is all stuff we had to do ahead of time.