Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hakone, Japan

We woke up early and hit the road around 7:30am.  The description said that on a clear day you can see Mt. Fuji.  Well not a cloud in the sky and we saw Fuji from so many angles.  I don't care how many times you see it, it never get old or unimpressive.  It took use a little less than two hours to get there.  First stop, parking at the waters edge and the Hakone Checkpoint and the view is beyond words.  We walked through a little town made to look like it did back in the day and then headed down the old Tokaido road, which was lined with huge cedar trees.  It was a short walk to the next town with restaurants and shops.  You could take a boat ride around the lake but decided to just walk around.  We made our way up to the Hakone shrine and then walked around the park which had lots of hiking trails and the Hakone Detached Palace which was the summer palace for the Imperial Family and now open to the public.  I was a perfect day.  I think Jeff, Julia and I were the only ones not wearing winter coats.  Sorry but 65 and sunny is perfect for us.

Mt Fuji on the way to Hakone.

 View from across the lake.  We walked around to the orange arc and the Shrine.
 Julia taking a rest at the top of the hill.
 Ready to start our trip.
 Hakone Checkpoint
 The first of many steps we climbed that day.
 Me and daddy.
 I am so cool, chilling in the Hakone forest.
 Oh yes, that is Mt. Fuji in the background.
 Old Tokaido road.
 Entrance to Hakone shrine.  I think it is the boat launch for the monks.
 Yes, another view of Fuji
 Julia and Jeff and oh yes, Fuji.
 Can you believe this view

 Next time I am taking a ride on the pirate ship.

 This monk is very serious.

 Walking the trial in the park.

 A nice lunch of sobo noodles and shrimp and veggie tempura.

 My family portrait
 These stairs almost blew out my knee.  But a beautiful scene.
 Detached palace.
 We are seeing more and more Christmas decorations.

Another great trip.  I think we might go back next weekend a do some more hiking if the weather is nice.  December is Japan is very nice so far!