Thursday, October 20, 2011

Around Kakegawa

My sister-in-law, Julia and I spent an afternoon around Kakegawa.  Just an FYI, if you decide to have lunch around 1:00 most of the restaurants around town are closed until dinner, except the chains of course.  So we went to the castle and the surrounding area.  There was also a tea room but with Julia in toe, I didn't think a tea ceremony was wise.  It was a nice day and then we went for what I thought was a snow cone.  But of so much better.  Shaved ice with the flavoring and topped with a scoop of soft serve vanilla.  Delicious and refreshing on a hot day.  The only surprise of the day - as I was turning the corner, I noticed a what looked like a white hose.  At second glance and with my sister-in-law grabbing my arm, a white albino snake.  I did not get close enough but she said it had red eyes.  Now the Japanese have a lot of myths so I knew it had to mean something.  Sure enough it means I will be lucky in life.  I will take that and hopefully never see it again.

Kakegawa Castle
Grounds around Kakegawa Castle

Yes, that is a snake and it is crawling up the stairs  Confirming my fear of snakes even more.
Ya, I was not getting this close.

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