Monday, October 31, 2011

Japanese Halloween

I was very excited to find out that some Japanese celebrate Halloween.  They sell candy, decorations and costumes in the stores.  Our is split into sections and each one decides if they are going to do trick or treats.  Ours did not but the one right down the street was and with the help of my friend Mika, we got an invite.  I provide candy for the kids and we could participate.  The weather was perfect...68, clear and slight breeze with the crescent moon in the sky.  Most of the decorations consisted of a pumpkin or two.  It started around 4:30 with people putting out baskets of treats.  The kids do not go up to the door but take the candy from the baskets.  There are signs that tell you how many you can take and it looks like most kids follow those rules.  There were quite a few kids and the costumes are mostly capes and masks.  A few fairy princesses.  Julia had a blast running around with the older kids trying to keep up and looking at all the dogs dressed up too.

One costume idea....
 Our Japanese candy..  I stuff with what I could read.
 My small Halloween decoration.
 Nicely decorated house.
 Julia trick or treating
 Her treats...candy, cookies, little cakes.

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