Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shizuoka City

This weekend we went to check out Shizuoka city.  It was about an hour drive or you can take the train.  We drove and on the way saw a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji with snow at the peak. It is also orange season so we saw lots of orange trees up the side of the mountains.  How do they get that fruit?  I tried to take a picture but of course messed it up.  No matter how many times I see it while we are here it is still so cool.   We found a shopping center of many streets. There are restaurants, shops and a big Department store.  At the bottom floor of the department store is a bunch of markets selling bread, salads, fruit and all kinds of good stuff.  The top floor has restaurants.  We had lunch at a Chinese food place - very good.  We happened upon a little kid fest and Julia got some little gifts.

 If you look close you can see tons of oranges growing on trees up the sides of the mountain.
 Archway into the shopping center.
 Julia and Daddy eating some popcorn at the kids fest.

 Christmas decorations in front of the department store.  I love it!

Sunday we went to the local park where the stadium is located.  We walked around enjoying the great weather.  There was a huge line of younger girls to get into the stadium.  Turns out one of the boy type bands was playing a concert that night and they were already trying to get in.  Not sure who they were but there were a lot of girls there.

A little preying mantis
 I really need to rest Mommy.
 This is a cool grasshopper we found.  He kept hoping away from me.  Then he jumped on my hand and didn't want to leave.  We named him Tony.

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