Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Japan

Well this was the first Thanksgiving I have ever been away from my family and to be honest it was pretty bummed out but we tried to make the best of it.  Julia and I started the day at swimming class and then Jeff came home early and we found a nice Italian restaurant for dinner.  They don't really have turkey here and I don't have an oven either so we did the next best thing....Italian of course!  I had meet a guy at the gym and he and his wife and there two kids are living here in Kakegawa while she teaches at the local school.  They invited us to a party on Sunday with a mixture of Americans, Japanese and one New Zealander.  On the menu - traditional turkey dinner.  I am in!  We dressed Julia up and head out.  The people - One American married to a Japanese woman and their two children hosted the party.  We had two turkeys, mashed potatoes, stuffing, mac n cheese, sweet potatoes, bean cassarole, rolls, pumpkin pie, salad and other stuff.  There were lots of kids and two teenagers to keep them busy so Julia had a blast.  Thanks to Tom and his wife for having us.

Our Thanksgiving party in Japan
 Julia and her new friend
 Julia and her other new friend and a potential Babysitter.

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