Monday, January 30, 2012


We live about 17 miles from Hamamatsu and go there a lot but this was the first time I actually remembered my camera.  It is an easy train ride but we usually drive.  We park near Zaza City, which is a  little mall with a Toys R Us and some nice shops, Mos burger and BaskinRobbins.  We decide to go to Hamamatsu Castle which has a great park to hang out in and lot of trails.  Unfortunately, it was quite cold and windy so we only hung out for about an hour.  Afterward we went to our favorite pizza place and it was gone. It had moved and we tried to follow the map but alass, all in Japanese.  We did stumble upon another pizza place and it was very nice, warm and excellent food. The menu was all in Japanese with no pictures but since Jeff has gotten very good with his Japanese, we were able to order.
 It was actually windy and cold today.
 Stairs to where?  Not sure.
 Julia running down the path.
 Hamamatsu Castle
 A little guy.  Julia was very suspect.

 Check out the sweet mustache on the face mask.

 A little shrine at the castle.
 Flowers bloom even in the winter here, very pretty.
 Statue of the shogun of the castle.
 Looking at the ducks.

Awesome salad at lunch.  Check out the little quiche.

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