Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mt. Akiha

Well back from the holidays and we decided to try out the new backpack.  We drove about an hour and half to Mt. Akiha to do a short 3.2 kilometer hike.  Problem #1:  all up hill. Problem #2:  I am in bad shape for up hill hiking.  Well I thought it would ok, as we started off, it was very quiet and nice weather.  Up the hill it became more windy and chilly.  I hear a rustling the in the woods and here comes a white dog.  It freaked me out a little until I saw it was wearing a collar.  We made it about half way and Julia lost her patience and my knees started to give out.  It was a nice hike but I need more exercise before we can attempt this again. Then we finished the day off with hot Ramen.  Yummy:)

 A map of the hikes.

 Headed to the top on a beautiful day.
 Up through the town to the trail.

 Trees down and a little damage right from the start.
 So quiet and peaceful.
 Right about here is where I started to lose my knees
Now the is one tired baby.

 On the way home we found a cool little tree house.
 With a built in xylophone.
Great first weekend back.

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