Monday, July 4, 2011

Day at the Beach

Off we went to the beach.  It was about 30 minutes from the plant.  We pulled up and there were lots of families and surfers.  I was unprepared in that I had sun screen on everything but my back. Can you say lobster.  That would be me.  Julia was not to sure of the waves at first and much preferred playing and eating the sand.  The water was very refreshing, not cold at all like in California.  Waves pretty small on the shore.  Sand was scorching hot, so had to run down to the water.

 I like sand, especially eating it.

Then what do you do after a day at the beach.  Not hamburgers or hotdogs, of course you go out for Chinese food.  Julia had her own kids meal of fried rice, chicken (I think) and fries.  They had a little British flag in it, not sure why.
Except for getting burnt, had a great time.  Lesson Learned:  the sun is hot here!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the makings of a good day. Chinese food & all. I am guessing there were no fireworks ;-)
