Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Daily Walk

On most days we talk a walk around the neighborhood in the morning before it gets to hot.  Most of the people on the street are walking their dogs and they all know Julia. The stay at home ladies stop by to say Hello to her.  She of course loves the attention and thinks she is a star.  Here is a our street.  The houses are mostly shielded with brick walls and lots of bushes or trees.
There are these little walk ways that the school kids use to walk to school and we use as a short cut sometimes.
 The green tea field at the end of our street we pass everyday.
 A man made lake where kids have boating lessons and it has a path around it we take.
 Another path that leads to the park or around the lake. Lots of kids riding bikes to school.
 A view of the  park and community center from the top of the hill.
 Just for fun... Julia in her new hat while she is shoe shopping.  She walked around the Toys R us for an hour.

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