Sunday, June 19, 2011

Off to see the birds

This weekend we finally found the Mall.  Took the expressway which cost 400 yen to go about 10 miles.  After getting off the exit you sit in traffic to get into the Mall for about an hour.  There was only one way to get into the parking and it was 10 times worse than any Mall I have seen in America at Christmas.  Once in it is a huge mall with shops and restaurants.  I liked it, Jeff, not so much.  We left around 4:00 and there was no traffic.  Note to self, go to the Mall around dinner time.

Next was the Bird Sanctuary.  This was very cool.  Almost all the birds are free to fly around and you can buy food to feed them.  They land on your and eat the food out of your hand.  Julia was a crazy baby at first and then she was just memorized.  This of course was also very crowded.  They also have bird shows.  I will definitely visit this place again.  We tried Pizza La.  Very expensive - about $15 dollars for a small which is the size of an Atlas personal pizza.  It was OK but not worth the cost.  I also figured out with the help of Miko how to cook the meat and what sauce to use.  It turned out very good and despite the cost, we will be eating this several times a week.

1 comment:

  1. I was very confused at first - I thought the penguins were in the mall! The bird sanctuary looked like a lot of fun. I'm glad you guys are finding interesting things to do!

    Love J's hat!

