Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our first trip to Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture Japanmaps

We took Julia to Hamamatsu which is about a 45 minute car ride (25 by train) because they have a big Toys R US.  The store was very cool and we bought her a little walking/riding toy for her birthday.  She has been playing with it every since we got home. 
Then we went to Hamamatsu castle and gardens.  Very cool!  Before you ask, yes I did forget my camera so we will have to go back again.  They had a big open area like central park for playing and picnics, lots of paths, ponds with fish and ducks, waterfalls, etc.. The best part was all the little dogs that were being carried and wearing little coats even though it was 80 degrees out.  We also saw two people with there rabbits on leases and the rabbits were wearing burberry coats.  I was wonderful.  They also have a play area for kids that we never even got to.  Then we walked around the city and found a pizza place that had really good pizza and played old school 80 hits in the background. 

Came home and went out for dinner with Jeff's co-worker and his family at the Indian restaruant which was excellent!  When we came home we had our neighbors stop by and welcome us.  They asked all sorts of questions about birthday, blood type, etc.  Not sure what that was all about but I think they are the place to go in case of an emergency.  All and all it was a good week.  Very long since Julia is still getting up at 4:00am.

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