Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trip to the Beach

We took a trip to the beach down by the plant.  There are a lot of access points but not very many places to park.  We found a little place, unfortunately it was a like a dumping ground from every one's garbage.  I guess other people are not found of the garbage policies.  The beach was OK, some garbage and I am not sure it is the best location for swimming, but we did see several surfers and some fisherman.  They has a really nice path that goes all along the path and we walked about 3 miles.  I would definitely like to go back when it is a little less humid.  Then we found a little shop where we stopped for snacks.  Julia of course had a blast.  I wish we could have let her go swimming.  Maybe next time at another beach.  We also have to find out when the sea turtles are laying eggs.  I would love to see those.

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