Thursday, June 2, 2011

We made it!

The flight was good and my 11 month old did so well.  Bringing the car seat was a huge pain but worked for sleeping.  I brought way to much, so lesson learned don't bring so much.  One carry one was good. 

Now I am trying to flip Julia to this time zone.  We are on day 5 and it is slow process.  She is getting up around 2:00am but now I can at least get her to sleep again until about 4:30am. 

Tips for moving.  Take measurements for the house, things are so much smaller here.  We ordered a washer and dryer.  I really can't do the hang drying of all the clothes.  I need to have a dyer for some things.

Keeping really busy so I don't get sad, so far this is working.  We are going to try and walk to the store today. 

The slingbox is a great add and having the fiber optics installed today.  Then we should be able to get some TV. 

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