Monday, June 13, 2011

A visit to Kakegawa Hospital

To start, no one is sick or hurt.  We had to get Julia her MMR shot that most U.S. babies get around a year old.  We thought we had things in order by getting all the forms translated and filled out.  We were told by a few people that at a hospital they can read English but will have trouble speaking it.  First off, that is pretty much false.  We got to the hospital, found the location.  There is a big room where you wait your turn in line.  At the first desk you hand over your book (which we did not have or did we know we had to have) then they give you a thermometer where you are suppose to take your child's temperature under the armpit.  OK so far, except we didn't have the book so they kind of ran around and found us someone who spoke a little English.  The room is filled with other Mothers and babies.  There are rows of chairs with signs stating which vaccination your are suppose to get.  You sit behind that chair and wait your turn.  When your name is called you got to the front where they have a nurse and doctor.  They check her heartbeat, use a tongue depressor to look in her mouth and then tell you how to hold the child so they can give the shot.  This one was given in her arm.  There was screaming the whole time.  Julia was great!  She cried a little and then wanted to play.

They then asked for our insurance card.  We gave them our International SOS card.  No they need Japanese insurance.  I do have to say that they were very patient and helpful as they could be.  They let us have the vaccination for free even though I am pretty sure we were suppose to pay.

They also told us we should have brought an interpreter.  Yes, that would have been a good idea.

Lesson Learned:  If you can't get the shots you need in the U.S. Bring an interpreter.  Also, don't get sick here, it is complicated.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Love your posts!! Please include pictures of where you are living and stuff you see and experience, even if it is mundane and boring.

