Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kakegawa Hike

Of course the heat and humidity continue.  So we have not done to much the past two weekends.  Julia has a rash that is worse when she sweats so that makes it hard for us to do outdoor activity since you are dripping sweat after two minutes outside.  So this weekend we went hiking near the Kakegawa stadium.  It was a short drive and there are trails all over the mountain, lots of grass for laying around and a flower garden.  We parked in the Fukori parking lot and there was a path right there.
 The path starts out like this with lots of roots.  Watch you step!

 View of the outdoor stadium from above.  There was a track meet going on.
 The stair path down.  But at least it was a little cooler in the woods.
 Some fruit trees.  Any idea what?  Maybe figs?
 Checking out the view with Daddy.
We then walked around the stadium and found another path on the other side.  Back up the mountain we go.

 Going to find a drink.  We love having vending machines everywhere!
 Taking the paved road back to the top.
 Ahh - more stairs.  My calves are killing me today.
 View from the top.  Our house is somewhere over there.
 This baby is done.
 Pond completely filled with lily pads.
 Wait those aren't girls but boys dressed as girls.  Must be some kind of initiation.
After the hike Julia's shirt was soaked.  Fun day but I think we will come back when the weather is cooler.  They keep saying only a few more weeks.  I heard that before.  But once it is - it will be great.

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