Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kakegawa Summer Festival

This past weekend was the Kakegawa summer festival. Two nights of food, music and games for kids.  I guess you could say it is their version of a fair.  They blocked off the streets and there were tons of people.
The food is much different then what you would get at a fair in the U.S.  Here they had lots of meats and fish on skewers, noodles, chocolate covered bananas, soy beans and some other things I was not sure what they were.  On the second day they had cotton candy, french fries, ice cream and snow cones.  Their snow cones are huge and more in a cup then the little paper cone.  There are never any garbage cans around so you carry your garbage with you home.

Meat skewers with onion.  A little greasy but not bad.

 Noodles with egg.  Actually very good.  I did not care for the pickled pink stuff.
 Soy beans for sale.
One of the many dance groups.  This one was mainly older ladies.
 Julia was pretty memorized by the dancing.
 A group of girls wearing kimonos.  I didn't want to be to obvious when taking the picture.
 Here is where you could sit and eat but they only had a few tables.
 Lots of people having fun.
 Kakegawa castle all lite up at night.
Some of the music :  Jazz, translate in any language   

Japanese Rock Group

Something more traditional or so we thought until they busted into a Japanese 50s music dance.
The first night was less crowded and had better food.  It was fun being out and about.  I guess they have another one in October with costumes and floats.  We will be checking that one out too.

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