Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Flowers in Japan

Now I know that we have wonderful flowers in the U.S. and probably the same ones as here but I guess I never really had the time to look.  Sad but true.  Here are some flowers and things we see on our walks everyday.  Such beautiful flowers make your day better.  Of course our house has none, so we are probably known as the lame house on the street.  LOL.

Julia decided to bring her Lovey.
 Check this spider.  He made a web over the trees and was wrapping its poor prey.  Sad but cool.
 These trees line the path we walk on.  They might be a kind of cherry blossom.

 This was a brilliant red flower.  Very cool.

 This is the happiest budda I have ever seen.  It is at the temple not to far from our house.
 And for some reason it has money in its mouth and around the base.  I think it is a budda who helps with money.
 Big preying mantas.

 These lizards are all over the place.  Really one about an inch long with blue and purple colors.  I know they are there but they seem to startle me every time.  I have seen one without a tail two days in a row.  So now I have named him stumpy.
 These are my favorite.  Such a bright pink.  I hope I can get some of these at home.

It sure is beautiful here.

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