Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Takayama Weekend

Takayama is a little less than 4 hours away and in the mountains.  We thought it would be a nice cooler weather get-a-way. No such luck on the cooler weather but a very cool place.  We drove through lots of tunnels as we drove up into the mountains.  Our hotel was older but very nice and a great view of the city and mountains.  Breakfast and dinner was included in the price of the hotel.  Once we got there we walked around the "old town" which is filled with shops, temples, restaurants and sake tasting.  Since we didn't want to drink and drive we decided to wait on the sake tasting until after dinner so we could walk down from the hotel.  Of course everything was closed by then and it was only 7:00pm.  Very strange how places closed so early in a tourist town.  What do they expect you to do?

This is a structure we saw on the way.  I think it was the travel machine from the movie "Contact"
 Sake tasting... but only before 5:00.  So we bought our own bottle.
 Wandering the streets of old town.
 Cool arch at the end of an old bridge.
 Julia is going to see the temple.  Shortly after she found a puddle that of course she had to sit in.  I guess she was hot.  Glad I carry extra clothes
 Another temple
 This was a dough ball with meat and onion inside.  A little sweet but a good snack.  They came in various colors but we went with the basic one.
 Scary looking dude outside one of the temples.
 Jeff in his Japanese jammies.  I guess you are suppose to wear to dinner which we didn't know until we went to dinner and saw most people wearing them.
 Julia in hers.  A little to big but she thought she was cool.
 At night before the storm.  View from our room.
 Cool structure.
 The next day we drove up further in the mountains and tool the rope line up close to the top.  Julia and I hiked around on the top level and Jeff made his way to the summit.  About a hour there thunder, lightening and then downpour.  About 45 minutes later Jeff enters the lodge soaked.  He is still drying out his boots.  Julia and were nice and dry in the lodge.  It was much cooler at the top and the lodge lost some power during the storm so we ate ramen and hung out.
 The double decker that takes you close to the top.
 Julia made a new friend.  This woman loved Julia and asked to hold her. She held her up on the ride up and part of the time in the lodge.
 Jeff and Julia enjoying the ride down.
 Before driving home we went to the Folk Village set up like an old school Japanese village.  Very cool but so hot so we went through fast and went back for ice cream.  Julia in her hiking outfit.

Yes that is right. A monkey crossing sign.  We did not see any live monkeys. 
 Our goods:  A traditional Takayama doll, sake, rice and soup bowls, sake cups, and cookies.
Another fun trip.

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