Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our First Japanese Meal

The hotel had three restaurants:  Japanese, Chinese and Western.  The first night we decided to have Japanese.  Julia was not to cooperative but feel asleep half way through.

First course:  Sushi, a sweet red tea, and something green in the little box but good.
 The meat and veggies that we get to cook.
 Second course:  Japanese salad.  Sushi and veggies with a light sauce. The green thing is tofu, not bad.
 Third course:  Soup. You drink from cup and it had a good onion flavor. Julia liked this and ate much of Jeff's.
 Fourth course:  Cold veggies you are suppose to dip in miso.
 Pickled veggies, not so good.
 More tofu.  I didn't care for this one.
 The menu, in case anyone can read Japanese.  We cooked the meat and veggies and had a garlic and sesame dipping sauces.  Plus rice and miso soup.

Dessert:  Miracle pudding.  A little flavor that is hard to describe.  Very good.

Add beer and good service and we had a great meal.  The next night we had the Western meal.  Local Hida beef that was so tender you didn't need a knife to cut it.  I would love to eat like this all the time.

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